Author: Daisy Coleman

  • Exploring Rare Crustaceans: Delicacies of the Marine World

    Exploring Rare Crustaceans: Delicacies of the Marine World

    Crustaceans, those enigmatic inhabitants of the ocean depths, have long captivated our imaginations with their myriad forms and remarkable behaviors. These intriguing creatures encompass a wide array of species, from familiar crabs and lobsters to the lesser-known mantis shrimp and slipper lobster. As we dive into the depths of the marine world, we discover a…

  • Physics of Plasmas. Explained by EFRE.

    Definition and Introduction What is plasma physics? Physics of plasma involves studying what state of matter comprises charged particles. Plasmas are part of the states of matter. The common states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Plasma is the next state after the gas state. It is actually gas that is ionized at extremely…

  • What Is Scientific Law?

    According to Wikipedia, scientific laws also referred to as the laws of science are statements which describe and predict different natural phenomena. The laws are supported by results that are derived from extensive testing, research, and observation. These laws majorly profess its existence but do not explain how it works. In order for any law…

  • Basic Concepts in Radiation Physics, Biology, and Epidemiology

    When we talk about radiations, we always come across with the ill effects which they create on our health; they are very complex in nature. It becomes more difficult for the person to understand it when they are not professionally associated or involved in it. We here will try to provide the basic concepts which…